XML tracking

XML Tracking Exclusions

When you click Edit Exclusions for the XML Tracking Exclusion field on the File Tracking Options dialog box, the Edit XML Exclusions dialog box appears.

You can choose from the following:
  • Exclude all non-production trading partner connections
  • Exclude specific trading partner connections: Select items from the list that correspond to the trading partners you want to exclude from tracking.
  • Exclude specific folders: Select items from the list that correspond to the folders you want to exclude from tracking.
  • Exclude specific hosts\mailboxes\actions: Select items from the list that correspond to the hosts, mailboxes, or actions you want to exclude from tracking.

All exclusions are considered independently. For example, assume you select Exclude all non-production trading partner connections, and newTradingPartner1 in the trading partners section and AS2 in the hosts\mailboxes\actions section. With these selections, a file processed through the system will be excluded from tracking if its action is associated with the AS2 host, or its action is associated with newTradingPartner1, or its action is associated with a non-production trading partner connection.

XML Reference

The New XML Reference dialog box is displayed when you click New XML in the File Tracking List in the File Tracking Options dialog box. The Edit XML Reference dialog box is displayed when you double-click an XML item or right-click an XML item and then select Edit in the File Tracking List.

In New XML Reference or Edit XML Reference dialog box, specify values for the following fields:

XML Configuration
A unique description of this reference.
Extract data on inbound transfers
Extract data on outbound transfers
Select these check boxes to track this reference on inbound and outbound transfers, respectively. You can select either or both.
Identify XML files by
Define the means by which the tracking software should identify the XML files being considered.
Select either root element or namespace and provide a value for comparison.
Identifier Data
Unlike EDI tracking, where the identifier data is automatically tracked when EDI tracking is enabled, XML tracking requires the user to specify the paths to the desired identifier nodes. Fill in the node entries in the Identifier Data table to provide path information. Specify nodes in the following ways:
  • using a proper XPath notation for the XML element or attribute. The subset of W3C characters that are supported are A-Za-z0-9._/@\-. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath for a complete description of XPath. For Document Type and Document Date/Time you can concatenate two XPaths together by using an ampersand (&) between the two XPath elements.
  • using a string literal enclosed in double quotation marks. In this case, the tracking software merely passes the literal straight through for storage in the database.
Transactional Data
Specify one or more records in the Transactional Data table. 
  • Insert a new row: Click New to insert a new row in the table and display the Extract Transactional Reference dialog, with none of the fields populated.
  • Edit a row: Right-click a row and select Edit or double-click a row to display the Extract Transactional Reference dialog, populated with data from the selected row.
See Extract Transactional Reference.

Extract Transactional Reference

The Extract Transactional Reference dialog box is displayed when you select an item to edit or you click New in the Transactional Data table. Edit or populate the following fields:
Extract node
Identify a node you want to track.
As you specify the node you want to track, observe these guidelines:
  • The root element and the XPath strings should not contain namespace prefixes. The XPath strings will be matched regardless of the namespace prefix used in the XML payload.
  • Based on the RNIF mailbox setting, Incoming content format, the configuration of root element and the XPath elements are affected. If the RNIF mailbox setting, Incoming content format, is set to:
    • Original: The root element and XPath elements should start with the root element of the XML payload.
    • Wrapped XML: The root element and XPath elements should start with the /pip/serviceContent/ followed by the root element of the XML payload.
    • Wrapped CDATA: Tracking cannot be performed.
    • Wrapped BASE64: Tracking cannot be performed.
only if node
Select this check box to apply a condition. If you select the check box, you must also specify a path and a value for comparison.
match ('=') fields 
Select this check box to track this reference when the element and subelement meet the conditions you specify. If you select this check box, you must specify a value for the element field. The subelement is optional.
Storage Location for Extracted Data
Specify where to store the collected reference data. Each reference collected will be separated by commas, and optionally preceded by the label, when it is displayed through the View Information right-click option under transfer reporting.
Reference 1
Select the reference in which to store the data.
Reference Label
Optional - a label for the reference.