
Note: This section applies to the Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony applications only.

In the web UI, go to Administration > Monitoring > Transfers. In the native UI, click Transfers from the menu bar.

This panel is used to determine if and how transfers are recorded. The following describes the different parameters available. The Database and XML File sections are dimmed based on the Transfer Logging option you select.

Transfer Logging
Determines if Transfer Logging is enabled and whether a database or xml files are to be used.
Possible values: Off, Database, or XML File
Default value: Off
Transfer Database
The following fields are enabled when you select Database from the Transfer Logging menu.
A menu from which you select the database to use for transfer logging.
Available databases are configured in the Databases tab. See Databases
Test Database Connection
Click this button to attempt to create a database connection using the selected database. The system will indicate success or failure.
Export Database Definition
Click this button to export SQL statements used to create the database tables for the specified Driver String and selected EDI and payload options to be exported to an SQL script file.
The file will contain all or most of the following DDL statements:

You can modify these statements (for example, use a specific table space or change/remove a trigger or foreign key), but the table names and columns must be left exactly as is.  You can use the modified script to create a modified VersaLex database.  If VersaLex itself has already created the standard database, you might need to add DROP statements to the beginning of the script.

Automatically purge logged transfers older than n day(s)
When enabled, VersaLex will purge the database every 8 hours of logged transfers older than the configured number of days.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected, plus a value for number of days greater than or equal to 1
Default value: Unselected
Update Frequency
While the transfer is in-process, the frequency (in seconds) with which the database is updated with the current transfer bytes and seconds. Set this value to 0 to disable in-process updates.
Possible values: 0 or a value greater than or equal to 1.
Default value: 1
Track file content
Enables tracking feature where identifier and transactional data within EDI, XML and text files can be tracked.  All tracked data is stored in additional database tables. See Transfer database fields.
Once enabled, click Configure to provide more information about tracking options. See File tracking.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Use the database for incoming/outgoing payload
Extended transfer feature that uses the database as the payload repository rather than the file system.
Once enabled, click Configure. See Database payload
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Temporarily disable transfer database
While disabled, transfers are saved to disk and logged once the database is again available.  This includes both base transfer and additional EDI log entries. You can set a limit to the number of transfer log entries to save while the database is unavailable. See Maximum Saved Database Transfer Log Entries in Other system options.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Additional Serial Numbers
When using database transfer logging, transfers from other VersaLex installs can be added to transfer reports (see Viewing transfer status).
Possible values: Valid product serial numbers.  You can enter multiple serial numbers separated by commas.
Transfer XML File
The following field is enabled when you select XML File from the Transfer Logging menu.
Number of days before archiving the XML log
Each day’s transfers are logged to a separate file. This option defines the number of days before the transfer history is archived.
Possible values: Integers greater than 0 to represent whole day increments.
Default value: 3