MQ Configuration

Configure an MQ host starting with the generic OFTP pre-configured host.

Activate the generic MQ pre-configured host. 
  1. Click the Templates tab in the tree pane.
  2. If necessary, expand the Hosts tree in the Templates tab to find the host you want to use.
  3. Right-click the host and select Clone and Activate
    The entire pre-configured host branch (including a mailbox and actions) is copied and activated, the Active tab is selected in the tree pane, and the new active host is selected in the tree.  If necessary, you can append the new active host alias with a number to make it unique. 
    Note: The original pre-configured host remains in the pre-configured tree.
  4. Enter host-level configuration information.
    1. Click the new host in the tree pane.
    2. Enter host-level configuration information on the tabs in the content pane. See MQ Host.
    3. Click Apply to save your work.
  5. Enter mailbox-level configuration information.
    1. Click the mailbox under your host in the tree pane.
    2. Enter mailbox-level configuration information on the tabs in the content pane. See MQ Mailbox.
      Note: By default, the MQ host mailbox is configured to use the same Security settings for Sender and Receiver. To use different settings for Receiver, clear the Use Same Channel for Sender and Receiver check box on the Mailbox > MQSeries tab, and clear the Use Sender's Security Definition check box on the Mailbox > Security > Receiver tab. This enables the fields on the Mailbox > Security > Receiver. See MQ Mailbox: MQSeries Tab and MQ Mailbox: Security Tab.
    3. Click Apply to save your work.
  6. Enter action-level configuration information.
    1. Click an existing mailbox action to display its configuration tabs. Alternatively, right-click the mailbox and select New Action.
    2. Edit action information on the tabs in the content pane. See MQ Action .
    3. Click Apply to save your work.
  7. Click Apply to save your work.
Configure the host tree, starting with the host, then a mailbox, and finally an action. See MQ Host, MQ Mailbox, and MQ Action.