MQ Mailbox: MQSeries Tab

Use Same Channel for Sender and Receiver
Select the check box to indicate the same Server-Connection channel is being used for sending and receiving messages from queues on the Queue Manager.
Force Upper Case on Queues and Channels
Select the check box to automatically convert all queue and channel names to upper case. Queue and channel names are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as they have been defined in the Queue Manager.
The name of the queue from which you will send messages. 
The name of the channel used to connect to the Queue Manager. This channel must be a Server-Connection channel in order to successfully connect to the Queue Manager from the VersaLex application. If you selected Use Same Channel for Sender and Receiver, the same channel name is used for both sending and receiving.
User Name
Optional. These values can be provided to you by the administrator of MQSeries Queue Manager.
The name of the queue where you will receive messages.
The name of the channel used to connect to the Queue Manager. This channel must be a Server-Connection channel in order to successfully connect to the Queue Manager from the VersaLex application. If you selected Use Same Channel for Sender and Receiver, the same channel name is used for both sending and receiving.
Message Priority
The message priority to be applied when you PUT a message on a queue. By default, the message priority is 0 and all messages are written to the queue in a first in first out (FIFO) order. However, messages with a higher priority are placed ahead of lower priority messages in the queue.
Populate ReplyToQ Field
Select the check box to set the specified queue name (either the Receiver Queue name or any other queue name) in the ReplyToQ field of the message descriptor of messages sent by the VersaLex application. Since the application only sends datagram messages, typically this field is used to notify your trading partner of your configured Receiver Queue and is not intended for receipt of report messages. The application does not monitor this field and will not issue report or reply messages. 
Note: The VersaLex application always leaves the ReplyToQMgr field in the message descriptor blank. When this occurs the queue manager will set the contents of the following fields in the message descriptor on the queue:
  • ReplyToQ - If the queue is a local definition of a remote queue, the ReplyToQ field is set to the name of the remote queue; otherwise this field is not changed.
  • ReplyToQMgr - If value in the ReplyToQ field is a local definition of a remote queue, the ReplyToQMgr field is set to the name of the queue manager that owns the remote queue; otherwise the ReplyToQMgr field is set to the name of the queue manager to which the VersaLex application is connected.