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IBM MQSeries (also known as WebSphere MQ or IBM MQ) is a widely used means of guaranteed message delivery.
It uses Queue Managers containing local (and sometimes remote) message queues to send and receive message data. MQSeries uses a store-and-forward mechanism to transport the message data. If the remote Queue Manager is not available, the local Queue Manager retains the message until the remote Queue Manager is ready to receive it. Messages that cannot be delivered can eventually be stored in a dead letter queue.
Messages are put on queues and are generally retrieved on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis. MQSeries also allows the use of a message-priority field (per-message) to put higher-priority messages at the front of the queue. User authentication and message security can also be applied to the sending and receiving channels.
IBM MQSeries includes a Java client API that allows an application (such as the VersaLex application) to programamtically connect to a Queue Manager using server-connection channels to PUT, GET and LIST messages on queues from either a local or remote Queue Manager. These Java client API files are included as part of the VersaLex installation.
There are two ways to access a partner's queues:
Either of these methods can be used with VersaLex. Using this section, decide which method fits your requirements and configure your Queue Manager(s) and MQ Host appropriately.