Other system options

The Other tab allows you to set some options that apply to various sections of the product.

In the web UI, go to Administration > System > Other. In the native UI, go to Options > Other.

To filter the display, enter a case-insensitive string in the Filter String field.  Note that for the web UI you must press Enter after typing Filter String text.

Allow Scheduled Actions to Run Concurrently
Normally, actions and hostactions scheduled to run concurrently will in fact run concurrently. If this option is disabled, the scheduler will wait for the currently scheduled action to stop before starting another scheduled action. 
If two actions within the same host are scheduled to run concurrently and this option is enabled, the host's Advanced property setting for Allow Actions to Run Concurrently dictates whether the actions are run sequentially or concurrently.
Note:   This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Selected
Always Show The Logged Message Date
Indicates to display both the message date and time when scrolling messages.  By default only the logged message time is shown when scrolling messages in the messages pane or with the command-line -m option.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Autorun Directory
Directory in which command files are to be automatically processed.
Possible values: Any local or shared directory
Default value: autorun\
Autosend Check Every (seconds)
Number of seconds scheduler should wait before checking again if there are files to send. Note that this property is only used with continuous autosend.
For the Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony applications, this value is also used to control the frequency of checking for autoroute files, as well as determine the frequency autochecking commands that are simply checking for the existence of a file or directory existence (that is, the Age parameter has a value of >0D).
Possible values: 5-60
Default value: 5
Autosend Restart
Used to determine the period before restarting certain operations. These operations include, but are not limited to, certain failed scheduled actions (both autosend and periodic), router restart, database payload restart, and trigger processing restart.
Possible values: 1-60
Default value: 30
Autosend Retry Attempts
Number of contiguous retries of failed scheduler autosend of a file, after which the action is skipped until the number of minutes specified for Autosend Restart have passed.
Possible values: -1-n
-1 indicates to never stop retrying
Default value: 2
Autosend Round Robin
If on, indicates to check only the next autosend action at each Autosend Check Every interval.  If off, indicates to check all autosend actions at each interval.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Cluster Network Not Fully Reachable
When selected, this property prevents the document database from attempting to replicate itself. It is useful in cases where synced servers are not fully able to connect with each other over the required doucment database ports. This property prevents the document DB from restarting repeatedly, but also causes the failover server to exclude events and transfers for the primary server should it become active.
Possible values: On or Off
Default value: Off
Custom ILexiComIncoming Class
Custom LexiComLogListener Class
Custom LexiComOutgoingThread Class
Refer to the API javadocs for a description of the interfaces:
  • ILexiComIncoming can be used to filter incoming payload streams to an independent repository (database, message queue, different directory/filename, etc.) based on the originating trading partner or payload content or protocol headers/parameters.
  • LexiComLogListener can be used to watch XML log events and react to successful/ unsuccessful sends/receives.
  • LexiComOutgoingThread can be used to wait/watch for new outgoing payload in an independent repository (database, message queue, directory/filename, and so on) and then stream to the appropriate trading partner using a VersaLex IMailboxController.
Note: For instance, the sample API class PartnerComm in the examples package would be specified as examples.PartnerComm
Note: For Cleo LexiCom, API option must be specifically licensed.
Possible values: Fully-qualified name of class implementing interface.

Archive containing the implementation(s) must be copied to the lib/api/ folder.

Disable Date/Time Portion of Filenames In Sent/Received Box
When selected, filenames written to the sent and received box will not include a date/time stamp or the product serial number (if synced).
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Disable Unify in Portal
When selected, disables Cleo Unify capabilites in Cleo Portal at run-time. If set on, VersaLex will behave as if Cleo Unify in Cleo Portal is not licensed (that is, the graph DB will not be started and Cleo Portal will not show the Cleo Unify feature). You can use this in cases where Cleo Unify in Cleo Portal is causing issues and needs to be disabled, for example while the issue is being reviewed and resolved. If the graph DB is already running when the setting is turned on, the graph DB will remain running until you restart the VersaLex service/daemon.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Document DB Health Check Retry Attempts
The number of repetitive exceptions that must be thrown in document DB maintenance operations (for example, health checks) before the document DB cluster is restarted.
Default value: 3
Document DB Maximum Result Window
The maximum number of returned events for document DB searches per daily index. Increases in this limit will impact the VersaLex OSGi process memory usage if large queries are frequent. A change to this limit may take a minute to take effect.
Minimum value: 2000
Default value: 100000
Document DB Query Maximum Total Hits
The maximum total number of returned events for document DB searches. Increases in this limit will impact VersaLex main process memory usage if large queries are frequent.
Minimum value: 10000
Default value: 500000
Document DB Query Page Size
The number of events returned with each document DB query page as a document search result is built. Specifying larger values results in fewer round trips with the OSGi process to build the result. Increases in this limit will impact the VersaLex OSGi process memory usage if large queries are frequent.
Minimum value: 100
Default value: 5000
Document DB Scroll Size
The maximum number of results returned with each document DB scroll request.
Minimum value: 10000
Default value: 100000
Enable GUI as VersaLex Service/Daemon
Enabling the GUI as a service/daemon allows the normally GUI-only process to run as a (semi-limited) independent service/daemon. It is only possible for the GUI to operate in this capacity when there is not already a VersaLex service/daemon running.
Note: Leaving this option off ensures that the service/daemon is capable of starting up.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Selected
Enable VersaLex Service/Daemon as GUI
Normally if the product is running as a service/daemon, when the product GUI is displayed, it remains a second process and communicates with the service/daemon over the RMI port.
Enabling the service as a GUI will force the service/daemon to display the GUI itself and eliminate the second GUI-only process.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected

Except on Windows 98, where defaults to Selected

Enforce Password Policy
When selected, the configured password policy is enforced for all local user mailboxes that have not overridden this password policy.
Click Configure to customize the Password Policy. See Configuring password policies for further information.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
If licensed, this FIPS Edition option may be used to enable use of only the FIPS 140-2 approved cryptographic operations.
Note: When enabled, this mode is not compatible with certain versions of the Microsoft SQL JDBC data base driver. OpenPGP operations are not supported when FIPS Mode is enabled.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony FIPS Edition Only option, which has additional license restrictions.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Force Apply/Reset When Changing Content Panes
When selected, the product displays a dialog box that prompts you to either apply or reset any pending changes before you can move to another content pane.
Note: This option applies only to the native UI. In the web UI, whether this option is selected or not, the product does not prompt you to save any pending changes and does not save any pending changes if you do not explicitly click Apply before you transition to another content pane.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Selected
Heap Dump on Memory Errors
When selected, a heap dump is performed for the first occurrence of an out of memory error for the current process. The heap dump will be created only when detected by the internal VersaLex memory monitor.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
High Priority Transfers Percentage Available Bandwidth
The percentage of the detected available bandwidth that is allotted to high priority transfers.  The bandwidth available to the VersaLex application is continuously calculated based upon the total transfer rate within the last minute of the currently active transfers.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: 60-100
Default value: 75
Include Millisecond In System Log File
Indicates to add a millisecond (ms=) attribute to each <Mark> element in the system xml log file, which allows for finer granularity on event time stamps. This option will also cause a .millisecond value to be appended to each event's time in the listener's and actions' logged messages.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
LDAP SSL Maximum Protocol Version
Specifies the maximum protocol version allowed for all LDAP connections that use SSL security.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values:
Default value: TLS 1.2 (SSL3.3)
LDAP SSL Minimum Protocol Version
Specifies the minimum protocol version allowed for all LDAP connections that use SSL security.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values:
Default value: SSL 3.0
Macro Multiple Value Separator
When passing a macro value as a parameter to a batch job (for example, when using an Execute On property) where multiple values are being collected  (for example, in a PUT –MUL command), this property can be used to replace the default \n separator character which is interpreted by the batch job as a terminator causing only the first value to be passed as the parameter.
This applies these macro values:
  • %file%
  • %sourcefile%
  • %srcfile%
  • %sourcefilebase%
  • %srcfilebase%
  • %sourcefileext%
  • %srcfileext%
  • %destfile%
  • %destfilebase%
  • %destfileext%
  • %transferid%
Possible values:Any desired character(s) that can be used to separate multiple values (for example, a semi-colon or comma). Additionally, the following escaped characters are also valid:
  • \n (carriage return), \t (tab) or \s (space)
Default value: \n
Maximum Allowed Synchronization Queue Size
If the synced VersaLex instance is offline and the maximum queue size is reached, synchronization is disabled and will require re-initialization once the instance is again online.
Possible values: 0-n
Default value: 10000
Maximum Number of Concurrent Routes
Maximum number of concurrent router actions that can be active at any given time. If the limit is reached and a new route is needed, it is put on hold until one of the current route actions completes.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: 1-n
Default value: 10
Maximum Number of Concurrent Scheduled Actions
Maximum number of concurrently scheduled actions that can be active at any given time (per instance of the VersaLex application). If the limit is reached and a new action is scheduled to run presently, it is put on hold until one of the currently running scheduled actions completes.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: 0-n, where 0 indicates no maximum limit.
Default value: 0
Maximum Number Of Concurrent Transfer Checks
Maximum number of concurrent transfer checks (CHECK -TRA) that can be active at any given time. If the limit is reached when a CHECK -TRA action is invoked, the action is suspended until one of the current transfer checks completes. All pending requests are processed in the order in which they are issued.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: -1-n

-1 indicates no maximum limit.

0 indicates only one check can run at any given time.

Default value: 0
Maximum Number Of Concurrent Users
Maximum number of concurrent GUI users allowed at any given time.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: 1-n
Default value: 5
Maximum Number Of Trigger Event Threads
Controls the number of execution threads created for running the actions configured for trigger events.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: 1-n
Default value: 15
Maximum Saved Database Transfer Log Entries
If database transfer logging is enabled but the database is unavailable, transfer log entries are saved to disk and the database is brought up-to-date when it is again available. This applies to the basic send/receive transfer log and EDI option, but does not apply to the database payload option. If the maximum saved entries is reached while the database is down, the oldest saved entries are deleted when new entries are added.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: -1-n

-1 indicates no maximum limit.

Default value: 10000
Maximum Trigger Persistor File Size (mbytes)
Controls the rollover of the trigger file once the specified size is reached.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: 1-n
Default value: 5
Minimum Memory Free Percentage
Minimum percentage of maximum available memory allowed before low memory warnings may be logged. If zero, the internal memory monitor will be disabled.
Note: This option is only available when the optional Cleo System Monitor module has not been licensed.
Possible values: 0-100
Default value: 20
Minimum Number Of Macro Index Digits
When the %index% macro is used, this property determines the minimum number of digits for the index string.  The index string is padded with zeros to fill the minimum digit requirement.
Possible values: 1-n, where n is a reasonable number for the application.
Default value: 1
MSMQ Administrative Queue Suffix
The suffix used for the inbound administrative queue.  This is the queue used to monitor MSMQ send acknowledgments.  See MLLP Configuration for more information about the Mailbox Queuing tab.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: Any reasonable expression.
Default value: '_r_admin'
MSMQ Write Timeout (seconds)
When writing to an inbound queue, this is the maximum time it should take to receive an acknowledgment on the administrative queue. 
Possible values: 1-n, where n is a reasonable number for the application.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Default value: 30
No Reply Sender Display Name
When an email is sent from Cleo Portal to a user (for example, forgot password reset email), this value is the display name of the (automated) sender.
Default value: Empty (no display name)
No Reply Sender Email Address
When an email is sent from Cleo Portal to a user (for example, forgot password reset email), this value is the email address of the (automated) sender.
Default value: Empty (will use user's own email)
Number Of Scheduler Threads
If the scheduler has a large number of autosend tasks to be performed on a very frequent basis, the number of scheduler threads can be increased to help imrprove scheduler performance. Normally, this value should be set to '1' and only increased if performance is seen to be a problem. Use caution when tuning this variable, as too many threads could create downstream bottlenecks.
Note: By default, periodic (non-autosend) actions run independently from autosend actions. Therefore, the total number of scheduler threads will actually be set to this value plus one. The only exception to this is if host-level or system-level action concurrency is disabled.
Note: This is a Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony option.
Possible values: 1-10
Default value: 1
Only VersaLex Service/Daemon Auto-Starts Tasks
Normally if VersaLex is NOT running as a service/daemon and if the VersaLex GUI is displayed, it will start up the schedule and local hosts if they have been marked for automatic startup.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Portal Maximum Outlook Attachment Size (bytes)
Controls the threshold for uploading files from Outlook. Files smaller than this value are attached to Outlook. Files equal to or larger than this value are uploaded to Cleo Portal.
Note: Do not set this value higher than the mail server's attachment size limit.
Note: This is a Cleo Harmony option.
Default value: 10 MB
VersaLex Service/Daemon RMI Port
When VersaLex software is installed and/or running as a Windows service or Unix daemon, it listens on this TCP/IP port to accept VersaLex client commands.
Possible values: 1024-49151, comma or dash separated (ex. 1100-1105,2100-2105)
Default value: 1099-1109
VersaLex Service/Daemon RMI Secondary Ports
In addition to the main RMI port above, one additional RMI port is used by the service/daemon and each VersaLex client (GUI or commandline). By default, these secondary ports are dynamically allocated, which is potentially a problem for installations accessed over a WAN and/or through a firewall.  At least two secondary ports should be specified (these ports need to be open both inbound and outbound through the firewall).
Possible values: 1024-49151, comma or dash separated (ex. 1100-1105,2100-2105)
VersaLex Service RMI Bind Address
The RMI server bind address. Only change the default setting if VersaLex UI or API client access is needed across nodes. If this is the case, remember to block the RMI ports except between the nodes involved.
Possible values:
  • IPv4 address or IPv6 address or hostname or *
  • A blank value (default) indicates to bind to the loopback address (, except for LexiCom running on an AS400 where a blank value indicates to bind to any/all local addresses to allow the Windows UI to be accessed
  • A value of ‘localhost’ also means
  • A value of ‘*’ indicates to bind to any/all local addresses
Retry All Failed Scheduled Actions
Select this option to automatically retry scheduled actions that fail. Retries occur after the Autosend Restart time (in minutes) has elapsed.
By default, when some actions fail (both autosend and periodic), the user is instructed to correct the action and either run it interactively or restart the schedule. Select this option to avoid this manual intervention.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Run Scheduler Automatically At Startup
Select this option to run scheduled actions at start up. For synchronized systems, also called a cluster, selecting this option ensures that schedulers are synchronized across the cluster.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Selected
Save Messages in Host Files
In addition to the VersaLex log file, messages generated by a specific   action are saved in its host file for later recall.
When disabled, the VersaLex application will no longer update host files when an action stops.  This may help eliminate periodic host file corruption.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Sent/Received Box Archive
Enables automatic archiving of configured host sentbox and receivedbox folders. The VersaLex application checks each enabled host every 15 minutes. As files are archived, a timestamp indicating when the file was originally created is appended to the file name to ensure the archive contains unique files.
When this feature is enabled, files in the sentbox and receivedbox are not set to read-only and conversely when this feature is not enabled, the files in the sentbox and receivedbox are set to read-only.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Sent/Received Box Archive After Files
The maximum number of files allowed in the sentbox and receivedbox directory. The VersaLex application will automatically archive the oldest files into the archive subdirectory until n / 2 files remain in the directory. 
Setting this value to -1 when the Sent/Received Box Archive option is selected will keep the files copied to the sentbox and receivedbox directories from being set to read-only but archiving of those files will not be done.  Please note that an alternative process for archiving these files to manage disk space should be considered.
Possible values: 1-n or -1
Default value: 100
Sent/Received Box Archive Size (mbytes)
The maximum size in megabytes of the files allowed in the sentbox and receivedbox directory. The VersaLex application will automatically archive the oldest files into the archive subdirectory until the size of the files to retain in the directory is less than n/2 files. This parameter also controls the maximum size of the archive file stored in the archive subdirectory.  When this file size is exceeded a new archive file is created. 
Possible values: 0.1-n
Default value: 50.0
Sent/Received Box Archive Append To Zip
Determines whether when archiving, compressed file entries will continue to be appended to existing zip files until the maximum archive size is reached; or whether new zip files should be created during each archive cycle. On very busy systems where the number of files to be archived is large, disabling this setting may allow archiving to complete faster, however the resulting zip files may be significantly smaller.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Selected
Show Hidden Panels
Some hosts have configuration panels that are by default hidden from view.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected
Starting Unique File Affix
Text appended to an incoming filename that is repeatedly incremented by 1 until a unique name is found.
This option is not applicable if you choose Random for Unique File Algorithm.
Possible values: Any numeric text
Synchronized Backup Failover (minutes)
If a production system should go offline, number of minutes that a synchronized backup waits before it switches into a "production" mode.
Possible values: 1-n
Default value: 5
System Administrator Email Address
The value to use as the System Administrator email address. You can specify a comma-, semicolon-, or colon-delimited list of email addresses. If you specify a list, the first address in the list is considered both the FROM and the TO. Subsequent e-mail addresses will only be considered TO. The first e-mail address should be an address internal to the company.
Note: The System Administrator Email Address can be used anywhere where an email address is configured for an email notification by specifying the %admin% macro.
Possible values: Email addresses separated by commas (,),  semicolons (;) or colons(:).  The first address should be an internal email address.
Default value: The email address that may have previously been set in the on the AS2 Service: AS2 tab. Otherwise it is left empty. See Configuring AS2 Service.
System From Email Address
The value to use as the FROM address in email sent from the system. If you specify a value, it supersedes the value specified for the System Administrator Email Address property. If no value is specified, the system uses the value specified for the System Administrator Email Address property.
Possible values: A valid email address.
Default value: None
Transfer Log Queue Size
The maximum in-memory transfer log queue size.  A larger queue allows more time before a database outage adversely affects active and new transfers.
Possible values: 250-n
Default value: 250
Transfer Query Size
The maximum number of results to be returned and displayed when you query transfers. If the number of results returned exceeds this value, the product displays a message to that effect and that you should refine the query to return fewer results.
Minimum value: 10
Maximum value: no maximum
Default value: 5000
Unique File Algorithm
Algorithm that determines how incoming files are uniquely named.
  • Increment - Name files incrementally based on files already in the destination directory.
  • Random - Names file randomly. If you choose Random, Starting Unique File Affix is not applicable.
Possible values: Increment
Wait for Dial-up Disconnect Before Exiting
Normally VersaLex will exit without waiting for the Cleo LexiCom dialer to disconnect.
Possible values: Selected or Unselected
Default value: Unselected