Configuring access for FTP host users

Use the FTP tab to configure access for FTP host users. Specify values for the following fields:

Acceptable inbound file patterns
Specify patterns that files must match to be permitted inbound. Patterns can include wildcards and regular expressions. See Using wildcards and regular expressions. If you specify multiple file patterns, separate them with semi-colons (;) or commas (,). Alternatively, enter them on separate lines. 
The following are examples of valid patterns:
  • * – any file pattern
  • *.* – file must have an extension
  • *.edi;*.xml – only .edi and .xml extensions acceptable (case sensitive)
  • [(?i).*\.(edi|xml)] – only .edi and .xml extensions acceptable (case insensitive)
Users have read-only access
Restricts FTP users to read-only access of files and directory listings in their home directory. Users with read-only access may only retrieve files or directory listings from their home directory.
When you select this option, the Users can make/remove subdirectories check box is disabled and any previously selected setting is cleared.
This setting does not apply to AS3 users, since retrieving files may also require subsequent uploads of MDN receipts.
Users can make/remove subdirectories
Enables FTP users to make and remove subdirectories within their home directory
This check box is disabled when you select the Users have read-only access option.
Users must connect on a secure port
Limits users to SSL connections only. When selected, users will able to successfully authenticate only when an FTP/s connection is used.
IP filter required
When you select the IP filter required check box, all mailboxes under this host require whitelist IP addresses to be entered. If no whitelist IP addresses are entered for a mailbox, that mailbox is set to not ready. For the mailboxes that have whitelist IP addresses entered, the mailbox user can log in to the mailbox only from the IP addresses configured. If the IP filter required check box is cleared, whitelist IP addresses are not required and the mailbox user can log in from anywhere.
Password Policy
Defines the security requirements that will be enforced for all local users.  By default, the Password Policy used by all mailbox users is globally defined via the Enforce Password Policy option on the System Options > Other tab. See Other system options.
To specify a different set of security restrictions for all mailbox users defined for a particular local user host: select the Override System Level Settings option, select the Enforce Password Policy option (if not already selected), click Configure, make the changes and click Apply.  See Configuring password policies for further information on the Password Policy options.
To disable Password Policy enforcement for all mailbox users defined for a particular local user host: select the Override System Level Settings option, clear the Enforce Password Policy option and click Apply.