Configuring password policies

Note: This section applies to the Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader applications only.

You can define a Password Policy that enforces password security requirements for any or all Local User mailboxes. To enforce a global password policy, go to System Options > Other tab in the native UI or Administration > System > Other in the web UI, and then select the Enforce Password Policy check box in the Property/Value list. This allows you to enable, disable, or override password policies for a particular local user host (FTP, HTTP, and SSH FTP) or Users host so that all underlying mailboxes operate with separate security restrictions.

To configure the password policy, after selecting the Enforce Password Policy check box, click Configure to display the Password Policy dialog box. Set values as required and click OK.

The default Password Policy settings are:

Note: All configured security settings except Enable Password Expiration and Lock out user are enforced at the time the user changes their password.