AS/400 Process map

The following is a checklist of tasks for you to perform to successfully install LexiCom for the AS/400 and begin exchanging messages with your trading partner.  Following this checklist are the detailed steps required to accomplish each of the tasks below.

Getting Started

  Determine if your system meets the minimum hardware requirements

  Determine if your operating system meets the minimum software requirements

  Obtain and install any missing software products

  Obtain and install all required cumulative and group PTFs

  Install LexiCom : Follow this step-by-step procedure to map a shared IFS drive and install LexiCom on the AS/400.

  Configure and Test : This section describes how to configure hosts for sending and receiving files via a LexiCom AS/400 server. It also gives information on configuring the LexiCom Scheduler for sending and receiving files.

  Starting and Stopping the LexiCom Server : This section describes the commands used to start and stop the LexiCom server on the AS/400.