Installing Cleo LexiCom on AS/400

To install and run the AS/400 version of Cleo LexiCom software, a portion of the software will be installed using a Windows PC mapped to the Integrated File System (IFS) and then another portion will be installed in the AS/400 Native File System through command prompts. After all the requirements described in the previous section have been satisfied, use the following two sections to complete the installation to the Integrated and Native File Systems. 

The following procedure should only be completed in its entirety the first time you install Cleo LexiCom. If you are upgrading to a new version of Cleo LexiCom software, first verify the product is not running on the AS/400 by either typing the ENDLEXSVR CL command at the command prompt or by selecting the Stop AS/400 option from within the Cleo LexiCom software. Verify the QJVACMDSRV and STRLEXSVR processes are not running in the QSYSWRK subsystem by issuing a WRKACTJOB command at the command prompt.

To prepare for your installation or upgrade, contact Cleo Technical Support for the following information:
  • A link for the current release core version of Cleo LexiCom. This file is named install.exe and can be saved to the local file system.
  • If applicable, a link for the latest patch for Cleo LexiCom. This file is named [#].zip, where [#] is the patch number, and can be saved to the local file system.
  • A link for the current AS400 service module. The file is named and can be saved to the local file system.
  • If unable to access the UI to use the Export function, manually backup the following directories and files:
    • .../LexiCom/hosts/ (.xml files only, no subdirectories)
    • .../LexiCom/conf/ (.xml files only)