XML tracking fields

Optionally, when logging to a database, XML files can be detected and supplementary information can be logged along with the transfer. You can configure which data is logged. See Transfers and File tracking. XPath format is used to describe the path to the XML elements to be extracted. The table described below is used to store the extracted XML elements.

VLXMLExtractedData database table

Column Name Data Type Length Description
TransferID VARCHAR 30 TransferID in VLTransfers table
VLSerial VARCHAR 6 VLSerial in VLTransfers table
SetID INTEGER   Index used for multiple sets of extracted data for the same TransferID
SenderID VARCHAR 255 Extracted sender identifier
ReceiverID VARCHAR 255 Extracted receiver identifier
DocumentID VARCHAR 255 Extracted document identifier
DocumentType VARCHAR 255 Extracted document type
DocumentDateTime VARCHAR 255 Extracted document date/time string
Ref1 VARCHAR 500 Custom reference information
Ref2 VARCHAR 500 Additional custom reference information
TradingPartnerAlias VARCHAR 255 Alias of trading partner associated to the ID.