On the mailbox EBICS tab:
Fill in the My Partner ID field with the Partner
ID provided to your bank server. This value is case-sensitive.
Fill in the My User ID field with the User
ID provided to your bank server. This value is case-sensitive.
On the mailbox ES tab, fill in the ES Certificate
Alias and Password fields associated with your ES
certificate. EBICS requires that your ES certificate be different from the certificate you
use for basic signing and encryption (those configured under the mailbox
Certificates tab).
On the mailbox Certificates tab:
To override the baseline Local Listener certificates, select Override
Local Listener Certificates and fill in the Signing
Certificate Alias and Password, as well as the
Encryption Certificate Alias and
Password fields. Note that EBICS allows these certificates to
be the same; however, they must be different from your ES certificate configured under
ES tab.
At this point, no other configuration should be necessary. Proceed to
Key Exchange.