Key Exchange

  1. Upload your ES key to the bank server.
    1. On the mailbox EBICS tab, click Upload My Keys.
      The Uploading My Keys dialog box appears.
    2. In the Order Type field, select Upload ES Key (INI), and then click Execute
      The message pane displays information regarding the INI transaction.
  2. Upload your signing (X002) and encryption (E002) keys to the bank server. 
    1. On the mailbox EBICS tab, click Upload My Keys.
    2. In the Order Type field, select Upload Signing and Encryption Keys (HIA), and then click Execute
      The message pane displays information regarding the HIA transaction.
      Note: Once the INI and HIA transactions have been successfully completed, the bank server should reject repeated attempts to transmit keys via INI and HIA. If you attempt this, you should receive EBICS_INVALID_USER_OR_USER_STATE from the server. To update your keys, use the PUB, HCA, and HCS orders through Upload My Keys.
  3. Download the bank's keys for signing (X002) and encryption (E002). 
    1. In the mailbox EBICS tab, click Download Bank Keys
      The message pane displays information about the HPB transaction.
Now you are ready to issue upload orders through the PUT command and download orders through the GET command. See EBICS Command Reference. You can also issue any of the ancillary orders through the mailbox EBICS tab Execute Ancillary Order function. For information about how to send and receive a test file, see Send and Receive a Test File.