VersaLex Pool Transfers

The VersaLex Pool Transfers tab displays a graphic image of the total bytes transferred and includes additional statistics for each VersaLex in the pool for the time period specified by the Filter. A transfer report may be generated for each VersaLex by selecting Details

Pre-requisite:  Graphical viewing of transfers is only available for VersaLexes using Database Transfer Logging. See Transfers and Logs. If any VersaLexes are using a database product that is different from the database used by the local VersaLex, those drivers must also be installed in the local lib/ext directory.

The option to view the Details for all the VersaLexes in the pool is also available when the following conditions are met:

  1. All the VersaLexes in the pool have database transfer logging enabled. See Logs.
  2. All the VersaLexes in the pool have Synchronized Hosts. See Synchronizing user configuration on multiple instances.
  3. All the VersaLexes in the pool have either Synchronized System Options (see Synchronizing user configuration on multiple instances) or are all using the same database for Database Transfer Logging and have the same enablement and disablement options set for File Tracking. See Logs.