Auto starting the VersaLex daemon in UNIX environments

Warning: The following procedures have been tested with specific distributions of Solaris, Linux, and AIX; consult your system documentation to ensure that these steps are correct before starting. Review the run levels (rc#.d) and sequence numbers (S# and K#) given for appropriate values. Only the system administrator should perform these changes.
Note: This section applies to Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader only.
Note: This section contains numerous command line examples referring to VersaLex, VersaLexc, and VersaLexd.  Please substitute VersaLex with your specific product name (either VLTrader, or Harmony).  For example, VersaLexd in practice becomes either VLTraderd, or Harmonyd.
Note: Prior to starting VersaLex as a UNIX daemon, you can verify that VersaLex is operational using the following command from the directory where VersaLex is installed:
  ./  VersaLex c -s "service" –m