Starting as a daemon on AIX

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Change to the VersaLex installed directory.
  3. Verify the HRMHOME or VLTHOME variable in the VersaLexd script points to the VersaLex installed directory.
  4. Copy the VersaLexd script to the etc directory:
    cp VersaLexd /etc/
  5. Create or edit the /etc/rc.local file, adding the line.
    /etc/VersaLexd start 
  6. If the /etc/rc.local file did not previously exist, make rc.local executable and create the inittab entry:
    chmod +x /etc/rc.local
    mkitab "rclocal:2:wait:/etc/rc.local >/dev/console 2>&1"
  7. Create or edit the /etc/rc.shutdown file, adding the line:
    /etc/VersaLexd stop
  8. If the /etc/rc.shutdown file did not previously exist, make rc.shutdown executable:
    chmod +x /etc/rc.shutdown
  9. Log out.
  10. After rebooting, to display the VersaLex GUI, change to the VersaLex installed directory and: