OpenPGP local packaging for Local Commands host reference

Enables you to sign and encrypt destination files. If you choose this option, you must also choose encryption options and you should enter both your trading partner's certificate and your user certificate as both might be necessary depending on other options you select. Note that the Encrypt and Decrypt options are mutually exclusive, as it is only practical to perform a single operation within an LCOPY command.
Enables you to verify signatures and decrypt source files. You should enter both your trading partner's certificate and your user certificate as both might be necessary depending on other options you select.  Note that the Encrypt and Decrypt options are mutually exclusive, as it is only practical to perform a single operation within an LCOPY command.
Encryption/Signature Verification
The CA certificate you want to use for encryption and signature verification. You can specify a certificate explicitly or click Browse to navigate to a certificate.
If multiple recipients are required, you can use the SET command to specify multiple certificates. The certificates are specified in the SET command using the ‘|’ [pipe] character as a separator. For example,
SET mailbox.LocalPGPEncryptionCert=certs\companyA.cer  | certs\personB.cer | certs\trunk.cer | certs\companyC.p7b
Override Local Listener Certificate
Select the Override Local Listener Certificate check box enable the Certificate Alias and Password fields, where you can specify an certificate to use instead of the default signing certificate you specified for the Local Listener. See Configuring certificates for Local Listener.
Certificate Alias
The certificate you want to use for signing and decryption. You can specify a certificate alias explicitly or click Browse to navigate to a certificate.  
The password of the certificate's private key.
Encryption Options
You write a destination file to the file system with any combination of the following options (see Advanced system options for information about associated advanced properties):
Encrypt using the PGP Encryption Algorithm.
Sign using the PGP Hash Algorithm.
Compress using the PGP Compression Algorithm.
Armored (Base64)
Armor (Base64 encode) the data. Base64 encoding converts binary data to printable ASCII characters.
Encrypt to My Certificate
Allow Signing/Decryption Certificate and Signature Verification/Encryption Certificate to decrypt inbound encrypted files. The Encrypted check box must be selected to enable this option.
Decryption Options
Force Encryption
Force Signature
Allow Non-OpenPGP
Select one or more of these options to check all source files for the desired security level. An error is logged (and the file rejected) if the file is not packaged according to the corresponding security settings.  If a setting is not selected, the file will not be checked for conformance with that security setting.