Setting up local packaging for Local Commands host

Prior to setting up the Local section, you must create or acquire an encryption certificate to be used for local storage encryption, decryption, and signing.  The Local section, along with the dialog boxes stemming from the Configure button, allows you to associate your signing/encryption certificate with this mailbox for packaging destination files and associate your signing/encryption certificate with this mailbox for un-packaging source files.  Note that the certificates specified on this tab may reference the same certificate or two different certificates; this depends on your application.

Note: When you click Configure, either the Configure OpenPGP Local Packaging or Configure XML Encryption Local Packaging dialog box is displayed.  It is important to understand that the Encrypt, Decrypt, and the certificate fields are shared between the two dialogs.  This allows you to set up these fields once, and then simply use the Packaging selection on the Local section to toggle between packaging schemes.
Select an option from the Packaging drop-down menu. Choose from the following: