About custom pages

Page ID
Designates a unique identifier for this page and once created, cannot be edited. It is used as a reference "key" in the web portal navigation menus. See Editing, cloning, or creating a web portal.
Allows you to tailor the title and content of the custom page on a per-language basis. See Internationalizing your web portals.
The title you specify is displayed in the portal navigation menu. It should be of a reasonable length for display within a browser. If multiple languages are supported, deleting the value in the Title field removes the custom web page for the selected language; however, at least one language must have a title.
If multiple languages are supported, deleting the value in the Title field removes the custom web page for the selected language; however, at least one language must have a title.
Section Table
Each row in the table in the main part of the dialog box contains the following columns
Section Text
Represented as heading text on the web page (HTML <H2> tag). 
Line Break
If selected, represented as a blank line (HTML <BR> tag) on the web page before the following Detail/Link Text.
Detail/Link Text
Represented in one of two ways on the web page:
  • If the Link field is empty, Detail/Link Text is represented as detailed text.
  • If the Link field contains a hyperlink, Detail/Link Text is represented as an underlined link reference.
Represents an actual hyperlink to be displayed in your custom page. 
Use the right-click menu options to manipulate each row. A range of rows can be selected; however, this can only be done within the native UI. When manipulating a range of rows, the Shift key must be held down while selecting the right-click menu option. Note that the last row of the table will always be empty.
From each row's right-click menu, you can:
  • Edit Link... to insert a link or edit the link on the selected row.
    • Select None to clear the link.
    • Select URL to enter a valid URL (for example, a link to your company's web site).
    • Select Document to select a document (for example, a PDF of documentation pertinent to your trading partner).
    • Use Import... to import new documents that can subsequently be selected through the Document field. All imported files are stored in webserver\VLPortal\doc\ under the VersaLex home directory.
  • Move Up or Move Down to move the row(s) up or down in the ordering.
  • Insert Above or Insert Below to insert a row above or below the current row. 
  • Remove to remove the selected row(s).