Editing, cloning, or creating a web portal

When you select Edit... or Clone… from a row in the Web Portals table, or when the New Portal... button is selected from the VLPortal tab, the web portal editor is invoked.

Before discussing web portal editing, it is important to understand the default web portal configuration: the web portal provided for you by the VersaLex application. See About Default Portal Configuration.

  1. The Portal ID designates a unique identifier for this portal. This is used as a reference "key" in the Associated web portal menu of an HTTP user host (see Local HTTP Users Configuration). 
  2. The Title field allows you to specify a meaningful string, used primarily for organizing the portals. This value will not be displayed anywhere within the user portal experience.
  3. The Images section allows you to customize the layout and design of the web portal framework.
    • The Logo defaults to img/defaultlogo.jpg. This image will be displayed in the upper left-hand corner of each web portal page. It can be changed to any customized image, for example, your company logo.
    • The Banner defaults to img/banner.jpg. This image will be displayed along the top of each web portal page. It can be changed to any customized image, for example, your company banner. A banner size of approximately 2000w by 84h pixels is recommended.
    • The Menu defaults to img/navpic.jpg. This image will be displayed just under the main menu, along the left border of each web portal page. It can be changed to any customized image.
    • Use Import... to import new graphic images that can subsequently be selected through the Logo, Banner, and Menu fields. All imported files are stored in webserver\VLPortal\img\ under the VersaLex home directory.
  4. Set up the Navigation Menu table to establish the pages that should be included in the portal and the order in which they should be organized. Each row in the table represents a single web page. Only one row can be selected at a time. From each row's right-click menu, you can:
    • Move Up to move the page up in the menu list.
    • Move Down to move the page down in the menu list.
    • Insert Above... or Insert Below... to insert a new page above/below the current row. When this is selected, the following dialog will be displayed, allowing you to select a web page from the current web page catalog.  See Maintaining the VLPortal web page catalog.
      Note: The web page should be configured for all supported Language(s), otherwise the web page will not be displayed for those language-specific users. See Internationalizing your web portals.
    • Edit... to edit the selected page. See Editing or creating a web page.
    • Remove to remove the selected web page from the navigation menu. This does not remove the page from the web page catalog; it simply removes the page from this portal's navigation menu.  Note that all web portals must have at least one web page in their menu; therefore, the last page may not be removed. See Maintaining the VLPortal web page catalog.
    • View the web portals that reference the selected page through the "Where Used..." option.  See Viewing a web page cross reference.
  5. Optional - Click Metadata to configure a metadata entry form for files the portal user uploads via the applet. See Configuring manual file transfer metadata.

To see how the fields specified on web portal editor map to an actual web portal layout, see the Sample web portal layout.