Generating self-signed user certificates

To acquire a CA-signed certificate, you must first generate a self-signed user certificate.  This will implicitly generate or import a public-private key pair.

  1. In the web UI, go to Administration > Certificate Management > Certificates. In the native UI, go to Tools > Certificate Manager or click the Certificates button in the tool bar.
  2. Right-click the Users store in the tree pane and select Generate > Self-signed User Certificate.
    The Generate Certificate dialog box appears.
  3. Enter information about the certificate you want to generate.
    See User certificate reference for information about the fields in the dialog box.
  4. After you finish entering required information, click OK.
    After the key-pair and certificate are created, the certificate is added under Users in the tree pane.
    Note: Because generating a self-signed certificate might take some time because it could involve public-private key pair generation.