Generating a new self-signed user certificate based on an existing certificate

You can use the Certificate Manager to generate a new self-signed certificate based on the contents of an existing certificate. This is useful in situations where a self-signed certificate has expired and needs to be regenerated, or you want to generate a new self-signed certificate using the same information as an existing certificate.  

  1. In the web UI, go to Administration > Certificate Management > Certificates. In the native UI, go to Tools > Certificate Manager or click the Certificates button in the tool bar.
  2. Right-click the existing certificate in the Users store and select Generate > New Self-signed User Certificate.
  3. A new Generate User X.509 Certificate dialog is displayed with all the information from the original certificate except the User Alias and Private Key Password.
  4. Enter new values in the User Alias, Private Key Password and Confirm Password fields, and then click OK.
    For information about these fields, see User certificate reference.
  5. The new self-signed certificate is created and added to the Users store.