Users: General Tab

Home Directory
Select the check box to activate the Home Directory field, all of the user folders and the archive directories specified on this tab, and the FTP and SSH FTP protocols (see Users: Privileges Tab). Clear the check box to deactivate them. The check box is selected by default.
Use the Home Directory field to specify the default home path for each user in the group. The %username% macro, which resolves dynamically, is included in the path. You can override this path, however, using settings in the mailbox Login tab. See Users Mailbox: Login Tab.
Click the [...] button to browse and select a directory. Alternatively, select a custom macro variable from the drop-down menu.  See Using Macro Variables (Default Root Directory context) for a list of the applicable macros.  Once the change is applied, users that are already configured to use the default home are switched over to the new default home location.
You can use the home connector syntax to copy files to and delete files from a user folder. See Home connector.
You cannot specify a virtual subfolder for the home directory.
Optionally, you can specify folder-level permissions and file-level permissions to a home directory. Add permissions in parentheses at the end of the value in the Home Directory field. Permissions applied to the home directory apply only to the home directory.
Possible permissions include:
  • ALL - User has all permissions. This is the default value.
  • LIST - User has permissions to list the contents of a folder.
  • MKDIR - User has permissions to make a directory.
  • MVDIR - User has permissions to move a directory.
  • RMDIR - User has permissions to remove a directory.
  • READ - User has permissions to read a file.
  • WRITE - User has permissions to write a file
  • OVERWRITE - User has permissions to overwrite an existing file
  • RENAME - User has permissions to rename a file
  • DELETE - User has permissions to delete a file
For example, use this syntax to specify a home directory with LIST and WRITE permissions.
User Folders
The paths and names of folders for users of this group. These folders are automatically created under each user's home directory.  You can use relative paths and configure virtual subfolders. See Virtual subfolders
User Download Folder
User Upload Folder
The folders used by users in this group for downloading and uploading files.
You can modify this value in this context, but you cannot modify it at the user level.
Note: The configured user upload and download folders reflect the perspective of the user, while the %inbox% and %outbox% macros (if used elsewhere) reflect the perspective of the server. This means that the %outbox% macro resolves to the configured user download folder and the %inbox% macro resolves to the configured user upload folder.
Note: If Archive Directories are configured, files uploaded to the User Upload Folder are archived to the Archive Directories/Receivedbox and files downloaded from the User Download Folder are archived to the Archive Directories/Sentbox.
Other Folders
You can specify additional folders in the Other Folders field. You can add multiple paths (one path per line) to the Other Folders. All paths must be relative or use virtual subfolders and cannot include reserved macro variables (for example, %mailbox%). You can, however, use %username% in a virtual subfolder link.
If you need to add real or virtual subfolders on a per-user basis, use the Add Folders button on the Users Mailbox > Login tab. See Users Mailbox: Login Tab.
Not only can you modify this value in this context, you can also modify it at the user level.
Note: Files sent to or received from these folders are not archived.
Archive Directories
The location where you can save a copy of the sent and received files.
Click the […] button to browse to and select a valid local or network location. Alternatively, select a custom macro variable from the drop-down list.  See Using macro variables (Default Local User Archive Directory context) for a list of the applicable macros. See Specifying default host directories for information about setting up system-level directories and custom directory macro variables. Typically, the archive directory locations are set up outside of the Home Directory path to protect the archives from access by the configured users.
You can use the %mailbox% macro as part of these directory definitions to filter files for non-LDAP users into separate subdirectories. Files written to these directories are retained with unique file names and are archived if the Sent/Received Box Archive option is enabled on the System Options > Other tab. See Other system options.
You cannot specify a virtual subfolder for the archives directory.
Note: Only files sent to or received from the User Upload Folder and User Download Folder are archived.