This is the format the product uses to display weekly schedule information. You can
also use this format to programmatically schedule actions continuously.
on day1[day2][day3-day4] @start-time[[/interval]-stop-time][,start-time[[/interval]-stop-time]] [+on day5[day6-day7] @start-time[[/interval]-stop-time]][,start-time[[/interval]-stop-time]]
Alternatively, you can use the following syntax to schedule actions to run
- day
- Specifies a day or days of the week on which you want the action to be executed.
- When specifying a weekly schedule, days are expressed as two-letter abbreviations that
represent the day of the week. For example, Su for Sunday,
Mo for Monday, Tu for Tuesday, and so on. You can
specify a range of days of the week by delimiting the start and end days in the range
using a hyphen (-).
- Day ranges must be distinct and cannot overlap.
- start-time
- interval
- stop-time
- Indicates the time (or time range) of day an action should be executed.
- start-time is the beginning of the range.
- interval is how often the action is executed.
- stop-time is the end of the range.
- All three are expressed in HH:mm[:ss] format, where seconds are
- You cannot specify duplicate or overlapping times. For example, on We
@00:00-01:00,00:30 is not allowed.
- continuously
- Runs the action continuously. This is a shortcut for and equivalent to specifying
Su-Sa @00:00-24:00.
Note: Continuous scheduling is actually
semi-continuous. The minimum period of processing continuous operations is governed by
the setting. The default value is 5 seconds. See
Other system options.
Note: Scheduling an action to run
continuously could impact your system performance. It is recommended that you schedule
actions to run at a longer frequency than the default, for example, 30
- on file polling continuously
- Run the action only when there are files available to send or check. This is a
shortcut for and equivalent to specifying on file polling Su-Sa
Note: Continuous scheduling is actually semi-continuous. The minimum period of
processing continuous operations is governed by the setting. The default value is 5 seconds.
Examples of weekly schedules
- on file polling for Asia/Tokyo Mo @17:00
- Sets the schedule to run on Mondays at 1700 hrs in the timezone for Tokyo, only when
files are available to send/check.
- on file polling Mo-Fr @17:00
- Sets the schedule to run on Monday through Friday at 1700 hrs in the timezone in which
the server resides, only when files are available to send/check.
- on MoWe-Fr @17:00
- Sets the schedule to run on Monday and Wednesday through Friday at 1700 hrs.
- on Mo-Fr @00:00-24:00
- Sets the schedule to run on Monday through Friday, running continuously.
- on Su-Sa @09:00/00:02:30-17:00
- Sets the schedule to run on Sunday through Saturday from 0900 to 1700 hrs, running
every 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
- on Su-Sa @09:00/00:02:30-17:00,18:00/00:00:30-22:00
- Sets the schedule to run on Sunday through Saturday from 0900 to 1700 hrs, running
every 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and from 1800 to 2200, running every 30 seconds.
- on Mo-We @09:00/01:00-12:00+on Th-Sa @13:00/01:00-17:00
- Sets the schedule to run on Monday through Wednesday between 0900 hrs and 1200 hrs
with a recurrence interval of 1 hr and Thursday through Saturday between 1300 hrs and
1700 hrs with a recurrence interval of 1 hr.
- continuously
- Sets the schedule to run on Sunday through Saturday, running continuously.
- on file polling continuously
- Sets the schedule to run on Sunday through Saturday, running continuously, only when
files are available to send/check.