Weekly schedule

This is the format the product uses to display weekly schedule information. You can also use this format to programmatically schedule actions continuously.

on day1[day2][day3-day4] @start-time[[/interval]-stop-time][,start-time[[/interval]-stop-time]] [+on day5[day6-day7] @start-time[[/interval]-stop-time]][,start-time[[/interval]-stop-time]]

Alternatively, you can use the following syntax to schedule actions to run continuously:



Specifies a day or days of the week on which you want the action to be executed.
When specifying a weekly schedule, days are expressed as two-letter abbreviations that represent the day of the week. For example, Su for Sunday, Mo for Monday, Tu for Tuesday, and so on. You can specify a range of days of the week by delimiting the start and end days in the range using a hyphen (-).
Day ranges must be distinct and cannot overlap.
Indicates the time (or time range) of day an action should be executed.
start-time is the beginning of the range.
interval is how often the action is executed.
stop-time is the end of the range.
All three are expressed in HH:mm[:ss] format, where seconds are optional.
You cannot specify duplicate or overlapping times. For example, on We @00:00-01:00,00:30 is not allowed.
Runs the action continuously. This is a shortcut for and equivalent to specifying Su-Sa @00:00-24:00.
Note: Continuous scheduling is actually semi-continuous. The minimum period of processing continuous operations is governed by the Options > Other > Autosend Check Every setting. The default value is 5 seconds. See Other system options.
Note: Scheduling an action to run continuously could impact your system performance. It is recommended that you schedule actions to run at a longer frequency than the default, for example, 30 seconds.
on file polling continuously
Run the action only when there are files available to send or check. This is a shortcut for and equivalent to specifying on file polling Su-Sa @00:00-24:00.
Note: Continuous scheduling is actually semi-continuous. The minimum period of processing continuous operations is governed by the Options > Other > Autosend Check Every setting. The default value is 5 seconds.

Examples of weekly schedules

on file polling for Asia/Tokyo Mo @17:00
Sets the schedule to run on Mondays at 1700 hrs in the timezone for Tokyo, only when files are available to send/check.
on file polling Mo-Fr @17:00
Sets the schedule to run on Monday through Friday at 1700 hrs in the timezone in which the server resides, only when files are available to send/check.
on MoWe-Fr @17:00
Sets the schedule to run on Monday and Wednesday through Friday at 1700 hrs.
on Mo-Fr @00:00-24:00
Sets the schedule to run on Monday through Friday, running continuously.
on Su-Sa @09:00/00:02:30-17:00
Sets the schedule to run on Sunday through Saturday from 0900 to 1700 hrs, running every 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
on Su-Sa @09:00/00:02:30-17:00,18:00/00:00:30-22:00
Sets the schedule to run on Sunday through Saturday from 0900 to 1700 hrs, running every 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and from 1800 to 2200, running every 30 seconds.
on Mo-We @09:00/01:00-12:00+on Th-Sa @13:00/01:00-17:00
Sets the schedule to run on Monday through Wednesday between 0900 hrs and 1200 hrs with a recurrence interval of 1 hr and Thursday through Saturday between 1300 hrs and 1700 hrs with a recurrence interval of 1 hr.
Sets the schedule to run on Sunday through Saturday, running continuously.
on file polling continuously
Sets the schedule to run on Sunday through Saturday, running continuously, only when files are available to send/check.