Database payload

The database can also be optionally used as a repository for both incoming and outgoing payload. 

Note: Only a direct JDBC driver can be used for database payload; an ODBC connection cannot be used because it does not support streaming.  Also, the database in use must support Binary Large OBject (BLOB) data types.

VLOptions database table

  • There is one and only one row in this table.
  • All of this can be configured either by using the Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom UI or by modifying the database directly.
Column Name Data Type Length Description
Maximum BlobSize INTEGER   The maximum BLOB size supported by the database (incoming and outgoing payload will be stored in a BLOB data type)

The JDBC interface limits this size to 231-1 (2,147,483,647) bytes.

Default: 65535 bytes

Outgoing PollingInterval INTEGER   The frequency at which VersaLex will check for new outgoing payload (VLSend and VLOutgoing tables)

Default: 5 seconds

Outgoing Timeout INTEGER   For abnormally terminated or unresponsive sends, the timeout at which the send will be retried by either a parallel or restarted VersaLex

Default: 30 minutes

ClearSuccessful Sends BIT   Indicates whether successfully sent payload (VLSend and VLOutgoing tables) should be automatically cleared by VersaLex

Default: 1 (True)

Maximum Attempts INTEGER   Indicates maximum number of failed outgoing payload send attempts before retries are halted.

Default: 0 (Indicates no limit)

Maximum Concurrent Sends INTEGER   Maximum number of concurrent outgoing database payload actions that can be active at any given time overall.  If the limit is reached and more outgoing payload is found, it is put on hold until one of the current outgoing database payload actions completes.

Default: 50

Max Concur Sends Per Mailbox INTEGER   Maximum number of concurrent outgoing database payload actions that can be active at any given time for any given mailbox.  If the limit is reached and more outgoing payload is found for a mailbox, it is put on hold until one of the current outgoing database payload actions for that mailbox completes.

Default: 5

Bundle Same Mailbox Sends BIT   At each polling interval, indicates to bundle payload for the same mailbox together and send one-by-one using just one mailbox session.

Default: 0 (False)

Maximum Bundle Size INTEGER   If bundling same mailbox sends, maximum bundle size allowed for one mailbox session.

Default: 5

Connection Poolsize INTEGER   Indicates the number of database connections immediately obtained and continually reused.  These connections are used strictly for database payload.

Default: 20

Include User Inbox Subdirs BIT   Indicates whether files stored by a user in a subdirectory of their configured inbox should be inserted into the database.

Default: 0 (False)

Database Payload Suspended BIT   Indicates whether the database payload feature has been temporarily put on hold by a user

Default: 0 (False)

AlwaysAll Mailboxes Receive BIT   True if all incoming mailboxes should be used for database payload.

Default: 0 (False)

Maximum Connections INTEGER   The absolute maximum number of allowed database connections (including poolsize) for database payload

Default: 0

ReservedForIncoming INTEGER   Percentage of the maximum number of database connections to reserve for incoming requests.

Default: 33 (percent)

IncludeUserOutboxSubdirs BIT   Indicates whether files stored by a connected HTTP, FTP, or SSH FTP client in a subdirectory of their configured inbox should be inserted into the database.

Default: 0 (False)

IncomingStreamDirect BIT   Indicates whether incoming payload should be streamed directly into the database or through a temporary file.

Default: 1 (True)

VLMailboxes database table

Column Name Data Type Length Description
Host VARCHAR 50 Active Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom host
Mailbox VARCHAR 50 Active Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom mailbox
Receive Incoming BIT   For this trading partner (host\mailbox), indicates whether Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom should insert incoming payload into the database (VLIncoming table) rather than write to the file system

Default: 0 (False)

VLSend database table

Used in conjunction with VLOutgoing table to send outgoing payload from the database.  See Sending database payload for more information.

Column Name Data Type Length Description
SendID INTEGER   Unique send ID (sequence identifier)
Host VARCHAR 50 Host in VLMailboxes table to be used for sending
Mailbox VARCHAR 50 Mailbox in VLMailboxes table to be used for sending
InsertedDT DATETIME   Date/time outgoing payload initially inserted into database
SendingDT DATETIME   Initially NULL.  Date/time Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom started sending.  Set back to NULL when send attempt either succeeds or fails.
PendingDT DATETIME   If not NULL, this is the Date/time to wait for before sending
VLSerial VARCHAR 6 Initially NULLVLSerial of Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom sending.  Set back to NULL if send attempt fails.
LastAttemptDT DATETIME   Initially NULL.  Date/time Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom finished last send attempt.




VARCHAR 150 Result text from last send attempt that failed.
Retries INTEGER   Defaults to 0.  Current number of retries. 
TotalAttempts INTEGER   Defaults to 0.  Total number of send attempts.
SentDT DATETIME   Initially NULL.  Date/time Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom successfully finished sending.
FinalAttemptDT DATETIME   Initially NULL.  Date/time Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom halted retries (based on VLOptions.MaximumAttempts).

VLOutgoing database table

Used in conjunction with VLSend table to send outgoing payload from the database.  See Sending database payload for more information.

Column Name Data Type Length Description
SendID INTEGER   SendID in VLSend table
Fileindex INTEGER   Unique index for each payload to be grouped together in a single message (with same SendID)
ExternalID VARCHAR 50 Optional; if present, logged along with TransferID in VersaLex system log file and in VLTransfers table
Payload BLOB   Outgoing content
Filename VARCHAR 100 Optional; if present, forwarded to trading partner
ContentType VARCHAR 100 Optional; can be set to application/edi-x12, application/xml, and so on.  Can include charset= parameter.  If not present, content type detected by software
Filesize INTEGER   Optional.  Content size or -1 if not known.

Default: -1

TransferID VARCHAR 30 Initially NULL.  TransferID in VLTransfers table
VLSerial VARCHAR 6 Initially NULL.  VLSerial in VLTransfers table
MessageID VARCHAR 100 Initially NULL.  Protocol-specific message ID

VLOutgoingProperties database table

Optionally used in conjunction with VLSend and VLOutgoing tables to send outgoing payload from the database.  See Sending database payload for more information.

Column Name Data Type Length Description
SendID INTEGER   SendID in VLSend table
Fileindex INTEGER   Unique index of payload or -1 if property applies to outgoing payload as a whole.

Default: -1

Name VARCHAR 50 Payload property (for example, Content-Disposition)

- or -

PUT command parameter or header name, for example, Subject.  See specific protocol documentation for possible PUT command parameters/headers

Value VARCHAR 300 Payload property value, or example, inline.

- or -

PUT command parameter or header value

VLIncoming database table

Used to receive incoming payload.  See Receiving database payload for more information.

Column Name Data Type Length Description
TransferID VARCHAR 30 TransferID in VLTransfers table
VLSerial VARCHAR 6 VLSerial in VLTransfers table
MessageID VARCHAR 100 Protocol-specific message ID
Fileindex INTEGER   Sequential index of each payload grouped together in a single message (with same MessageID)
Payload BLOB   Incoming content
Filename VARCHAR 255 If present in message
ContentType VARCHAR 50 If present in message
Filesize INTEGER   Content size
Host VARCHAR 50 Host in VLMailboxes table that received payload
Mailbox VARCHAR 50 Mailbox in VLMailboxes table that received payload
InsertedDT DATETIME   Date and time at which Cleo Harmony, Cleo VLTrader, or Cleo LexiCom finished receiving content.
RetrievedDT DATETIME   Initially NULL.  Can be set by end user application to indicate payload has been processed.

VLIncomingProperties database table

Optionally used in conjunction with VLIncoming table to receive incoming payload.  See Receiving database payload for more information.

Column Name Data Type Length Description
TransferID VARCHAR 30 TransferID in VLTransfers table
VLSerial VARCHAR 6 VLSerial in VLTransfers table
Name VARCHAR 50 Additional payload parameter/header name, for example, Subject.
Value VARCHAR 300 Additional payload parameter/header value