Receiving database payload

End user/application VersaLex
  • End user reviews settings in the VLOptions and VLMailboxes tables.
  • With each new incoming payload request, VersaLex checks VLMailboxes table ReceiveIncoming column to see if trading partner’s Host\Mailbox is set to receive database payload.
  • If database payload, VersaLex inserts into VLIncoming table TransferID, VLSerial, MessageID, Fileindex, Payload, Filename, ContentType, Filesize, Host, Mailbox, and InsertedDT columns.
  • End user application polls VLIncoming table for new incoming payload
Note: Payload should not be retrieved from the VLIncoming table until the corresponding VLTransfers table row no longer has a Status column value of In Progress.  Valid payload will be indicated by a Status column value of Success or Warning.  A Status of Error, Exception or Interrupted indicates that payload was not successfully received.  The VLIncomingProperties table contains additional payload parameters/headers not already contained within the VLIncoming table, for example, Subject.
  • End user application either deletes row from VLIncoming table after retrieving payload or sets the RetrievedDT column.