RNIF Overview

RosettaNet is a set of XML standards for integrating business processes between companies. Primarily addressed is the supply chain area, but manufacturing, product and material data and service processes are also included. Each interaction between two companies is defined by a Partner Interface Process (or PIP) specification. A PIP is essentially the definition of an XML document to be exchanged with a partner and the rules of how the document is exchanged.

The VersaLex application provides the RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF), which is the protocol for packaging, routing, and transferring RosettaNet XML documents.

VersaLex RNIF supports:

VersaLex RNIF does not support:

The following action commands are available with the VersaLex application:

  Command Purpose
Host commands PUT Send one or more files to the host
Local commands SYSTEM Execute a local system command
  WAIT Pause
  SET Set a property
  CLEAR Clear a string property
  LCOPY Copy one or more local files
  LDELETE Delete one or more local files
  LREPLACE Replace bytes in one or more local files
  CHECK Check for a transfer, file, or directory (Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony applications only)
  SCRIPT Execute a JavaScript File (Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony applications only)