Generating email from the command line

Use the LexMailc or VLMailc command to generate email from the command line.

LexMailc [-?] -a addresses -r sender [-e emailserver] 
         [-u username] [-p password] [-s subject] 
         [-m txtmsg|-t textfile|-f attachments
VLMailc [-?] -a addresses -r sender [-e emailserver] 
         [-u username] [-p password] [-s subject] 
         [-m txtmsg|-t textfile|-f attachments
Displays the command line options
-a addresses
Required. Comma-separated list of email recipients.
-r sender
Required. Email address of the sender.
-e emailserver
Optional. SMTP email server to use for sending the message.
-u username
Optional. SMTP email server authentication username.
-p password
Optional. SMTP email server authentication password.
-s subject
Optional. Subject of the message.

Although the following options are not required, you must specify at least one:

-m textmsg
Free-form text to include in the body of the message.
-t textfile
Path of the file containing text to include in the body of the message.
-f attachments
Comma-separated list of paths to files to be attached to the message.