Extended Commands / CHECK command |
The CHECK -TRA command is available within any host, including the local user and local commands hosts. When run, its scope of search is determined by the host\mailbox from which it is run. For example, a CHECK -TRA command run from a mailbox-based action within 'Looptest FTP\myMailbox' will search for transfers occurring within host, 'Looptest FTP', and mailbox, 'myMailbox'. Likewise, a CHECK -TRA command run from a host-based action within 'Looptest FTP' will search for transfers occurring within any mailbox of host, 'Looptest FTP'.
The CHECK -FIL or CHECK -DIR commands are also available in any host, including local user and local commands hosts. However, CHECK -FIL/-DIR commands are not tied to any specific host or mailbox. They may check for any file or directory within the file system.