Outgoing Documents with attachments

RNIF messages with attachments can be sent using the PUT command with the -MUL option. See RNIF Command Reference for details about using the -MUL option.

When you use the -MUL option:

For example, assume you want to send RNIF messages with attachments and the outbox contains three folders with the following structure:

Three RNIF messages would be sent as follows:

  1. The RN with attachment folder contains three files: service-content_fileName 2s.xml is the payload. The other two files, test.edi and test – Copy.edi, are the attachments.

    When the RNIF MIME multipart message is constructed the service-content_ part of the payload file name is stripped and fileName 2s.xml is used as the payload file name.

    Note: If there are multiple files in the folder, only one file name should start with service-content_.
  2. The RN without attachment folder contains only one file, which is the payload. This payload is sent without attachments.
  3. payload file.xml is directly under the source directory. This is sent as payload without attachments.