Outgoing Documents

Example wrapper for an outgoing request (single-action or two-action PIP):

<w:pip xmlns:w="http://www.cleo.com/protocols/RosettaNet/wrapper/1.0" pipCode="3A1" pipVersion="*">  
PIP XML service content request document goes here
Example wrapper for an outgoing response (two-action PIPs only): 

<w:pip xmlns:w="http://www.cleo.com/protocols/RosettaNet/wrapper/1.0" pipCode="3A1" pipVersion="*" 
              pipInstanceId="1234567" actionType="response">  
    PIP XML service content response document goes here
Element Description Attribute Description
<pip> Required.

Root element.

pipCode Required.

The code for a PIP specification. Incoming and outgoing PIPs that can be used with a trading partner are activated and configured in the mailbox PIPs tab. See RNIF Mailbox: PIPs Tab.

    pipVersion Optional.

The version that matches to a particular version of a PIP. If no version is specified or the version is set to "*", the first occurrence of a configured PIP is used.

    pipInstanceId Optional.

The PIP instance ID uniquely identifies each usage of a PIP when documents are sent and received. This is only necessary for two-action PIPs in order to associate a response document with the original request document. If a PIP instance ID is not specified, then VersaLex automatically generates one.

    actionType Optional.

Specifies the type of message being sent. Valid values are request and response. If not specified, the default is request.  Specify response for the response of a two-action PIP.

<serviceContent> Required.

PIP XML service content (payload).

Note: Do not forget the namespace definition on the root <pip> element of the wrapper.

The service content can be specified three ways: as an XML fragment, text as part of a CDATA section, or as Base64 encoded data.