Host Configuration
- On the EBICS Host General tab (see EBICS Host: General Tab) do the follwing:
- In the Server Address field, provide the
remote-host section of the server's URL.
- In the Port # field, provide the port
section of the server's URL.
- On the EBICS Host EBICS tab (see EBICS Host: EBICS Tab do the following:
- In the Host ID field, provide the Host ID provided by your
bank server. This identifier is case sensitive.
- For the HTTP GET and PUT commands on the EBICS
Host HTTP tab (see EBICS Host: HTTP Tab):
- Since EBICS allows only the POST method, the Method fields
will be pre-configured.
- In the Path fields, provide the
resource-path section of your bank server's URL.
- In the Parameters fields, provide the
optional-parameters section of your bank server's URL.
- Since EBICS allows 'text/xml' and 'application/xml', the
Headers fields will be preconfigured for you.
- On the EBICS Host Advanced tab (see EBICS Host: Advanced Tab:
- Select the EBICS Filter Group to view the baseline
configurable EBICS properties. The default properties related to SSL should be
sufficient to begin. Note that the EBICS Version defaults to
EBICS 2.4 and the ES Version defaults to A005. If the server
requires a different setting, change these properties appropriately. For detailed
information regarding EBICS-specific advanced properties, refer to the
host Advanced tab.
- While performing initial tests, it can be useful to set the Store Raw
Sent And Received property. When set, the outgoing requests and
corresponding incoming responses will be stored in the
EBICS\sent+received folder. These files can be useful in
diagnosing problems. However, after initial tests are complete and everything is
running smoothly, you can disable this property to conserve disk space.