Transfers / Viewing transfer status |
The EDI Transfer Report panel shows the interchanges that match the filter selected. Initially this is sorted by the Start Time of the transfer. By clicking on the column headers, the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order. If you select a row, the interchanges functional groups and/or transaction sets are then listed. If you double-click on a row in any of the tables, it will display the detailed transfer information regarding that interchange.
Right-clicking on a row will display a menu where you can choose from several actions.
If transaction rows are selected and functional acknowledgment tracking is enabled (refer to Transfers EDI Logging under Configure System Options) and the acknowledgment is still pending, then both View Information... and Manual Acknowledgment... will be available. View Information... gives the same information as double-clicking on the row. If Manual Acknowledgment... is selected and confirmed, the Ack Status is changed from pending (denoted by *) to manually acknowledged (denoted by @). Manual acknowledgment is useful for clearing pending acknowledgments that will never be received; however, a manually acknowledged transaction’s Ack Status is still updated if a functional acknowledgment is later received. Also, right-clicking a manually acknowledged transaction will offer a menu containing Undo Manual Acknowledgment…, which allows resetting of the Ack Status back to pending.