Messages Pane

The messages pane continually scrolls runtime messages as they occur.  Messages can originate from two main sources:

A running action, host action or local host will generate status messages.  Indentation and color are used to indicate message flow and status.

hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Run: type="type"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Detail: "message" level=#
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Command: "put command" type="protocol" line=# 
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         File: "local path" direction="Loca -> Host" destination="remote path" number=# of # 
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         PROTOCOL: "request"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host            Transfer: kB/sec=#.# kBytes=#.# seconds=#.# 
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Response: "good host response"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Result: "Success"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         File: "local path" direction="Local->Host" destination="remote path" number=# of # 
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         PROTOCOL: "request"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host            Transfer: kB/sec=#.# kBytes=#.# seconds=#.# 
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Response: "good host response"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Result: "Success"
--> hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host      Command:-->  "get command" type="protocol" line=#  
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         File: "remote path" direction="Host->Local" destination="local path" number=# of # 
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         PROTOCOL: "request"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host            Transfer: kB/sec=#.# kBytes=#.# seconds=#.# 
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Response: "bad host response"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Result: "unsuccesful" "reason"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host         Hint: "possible cause"
hh:mm:ss   <Action>Mailbox@Host   End
--> Message Type Purpose How many Color
--> Run: Mark start of action run, has run type 1 Black
--> Detail: Provide extra detailed information; can appear anywhere in the flow Unlimited Black
--> Command: Mark start of a command, has command text and line number --> 0 or more per Run: Green
--> File: Mark start of a file transfer, has file paths and counts --> 0 or more per Command Blue
--> Transfer: Mark completion of a file transfer, has transfer rate 1 per File Blue
FTP: or HTTP: Protocol-specific request made to host 0 or more per Command Black
Response: Protocol-specific response from host 1 per FTP or HTTP request

Black if good

--> Red --> if bad

--> Result: Mark end of a command or file transfer, has resultant status --> 1 per Command or File

--> Green --> if successful

--> Red --> if unsuccessful

Hint: Provide insight into possible cause of error or exception Unlimited Magenta
End Mark end of action run 1 Black

The outer VersaLex application shell may detect a situation that requires a message.  Color is used to indicate message severity.

hh:mm:ss   Note: "message"

hh:mm:ss   Warning: "message"

hh:mm:ss   Error: "message"

hh:mm:ss   Exception: "message"

hh:mm:ss   Detail "message" level=#

Type Purpose Color
Note: Log a notable condition Black
Warning: Log a cautionary condition --> Orange
Error: Log an unrecoverable error Red
Exception: Log an unrecoverable program exception Red
--> Detail: Provide extra detailed information; can appear anywhere in the flow Black