Managing Trading Partners / About the Trading Partners table |
Click Import on the Trading Partner Management table to display the Trading Partner Contact Import dialog box. Use this dialog box to import contacts from a comma-separated values (.csv) file into the Trading Partners table. The user is first prompted to select the CSV file to import. Once the file is selected, the VersaLex application will attempt to automatically determine the Column Separator (if it is Comma, Semicolon, or Tab).
Specify whether the file contains a header row and select a column separator (if needed). When you click Import, the contacts and EDI parameters are imported. If a contact (Email address) already exists, the user will be prompted whether or not they want to overwrite the existing contact information. If an Interchange identifier already exists for that trading partner then it will be overridden.
If an invalid line is encountered, the import is aborted and all invalid lines are displayed in a dialog box.
The following columns in the following order are expected in the input file.
The required columns are the Trading Partner Alias and at least one of the following: