Generating an operator audit trail report from the command line

Note: This section applies to the Cleo Harmony and Cleo VLTrader applications only.

You can use VLTraderc or Harmonyc from the command line to generate an Operator Audit Trail report that is either:

You can use operating system features to schedule a report to be automatically generated at a certain time.

Harmonyc –s OpAudit [-f xmlFilterFile] [-d destination] [-t title]
VLTraderc –s OpAudit [-f xmlFilterFile] [-d destination] [-t title]
-s OpAudit
Generates an Operator Audit Trail report.
-f xmlFilterFile
Uses the file, xmlFilterFile, to set the Operator Audit Trail Filter settings. You can save a filter using Save As in the Operator Audit Trail Filter dialog box. See Operator Audit Trail. If the –f option is not present on the command line, only the current days operator audit trail events will be in the report.
-d destination
Outputs the Operator Audit Trail report to the destination (HTML file, CVS file, or email addresses) you specify. Specifies an HTML file, CVS file, or email as the destination for the Operator Audit Trail report. If the filename has a .csv extension, the file is output as a comma-separated values (CSV) formatted file. If the destination contains an @ symbol, it is assumed to be an email address. If you want to specify a list of email addresses, use commas to separate them. If the –d option is not present, the results will be displayed in CSV format to the console.
-t title
Appends title to the HTML report title and the email subject if applicable. If the title contains whitespace, enclose it within double-quotes, for example:
"title with whitespace"