Expiration of user access

You can edit the Access settings for the shared content from Permanent (always accessible) to Until a certain date in the Share dialog box.
  1. Click Until in the Access setting menu. A calendar date picker appears.
  2. Select the date on which you would like the user's access to expire. Expiration occurs at midnight UTC at the end of the selected date. When the date passes, the user's access to the content expires, and it is no longer visible in their Shared with me directory.
  3. To edit the expiration date of a user's access, click the Shared with icon of the item to open the Shared with dialog box. From here, you can edit the expiration date or switch the access to Permanent.
Note: An expiration date set directly on an item will always take precedence over an inherited expiration date. For instance, if a folder containing File 1 is shared with User A until the 23rd, File 1 will be shared until the 23rd. However, if File 1 is again shared with User A until the 25th, the File 1 will be viewable by User A until the 25th, even though the parent folder will no longer be viewable.