LDAP server

Note: This feature is being deprecated. For similar functionality, use an LDAP host, which is a type of Connector host. See Connector Host for more information.
Note: This section applies to the Cleo VLTrader and Cleo Harmony applications only.

Use the LDAP Server tab to configure the external LDAP directory service to be used for authenticating users. The LDAP service cluster can be obtained by specifying a single domain where the LDAP servers are located, or through manually configuring an LDAP service cluster that resides on a single domain. In either case, hosts can optionally be designated as primary servers and others as backups. If you are unsure of any of the required values, contact your directory administrator. LDAP user groups can then subsequently be configured as mailboxes in each of the local user hosts – FTP, HTTP, SSH FTP, and Users.

  1. Open the LDAP tab.
    In the web UI, go to Administration > User Management > LDAP Settings.
    In the native UI, go to Configure > Options > LDAP Server.
  2. Select the Enabled check box to enable the fields on the tab.
  3. Specify values for the fields in the Server Configuration section.
  4. Specify values for the fields in the Domain Configuration section.
    1. Add servers to the list of active LDAP servers. Either retrieve LDAP service records or add them manually.
      • To retrieve LDAP service records, select the Lookup check box, specify a value in the Domain field, and click Refresh. LDAP service records found in the domain you specify are displayed in a table.
      • To add LDAP service records manually, clear the Lookup check box, and click the New button to display a dialog box in which you can enter information for a new record. When you are finished entering the information, click OK to dismiss the dialog box and display the new record in the table.

        Click New to add more new records as necessary.

        While Lookup check box is cleared, you can right-click service records to edit them or remove them from the list.

    2. Specify values for Base DN, Search Filter and Username Attribute.
      See Domain configuration reference for information about the fields in the Domain Configuration section.
    3. Optional. Click Advanced to specify password expiration settings. The Advanced button is enabled only when you select Active Directory from the Directory Type menu. See Server configuration reference.
    4. Click Test to test changes before they are applied. Enter an LDAP username and password. Changes to the Server Configuration panel are not applied until after a successful test login to the LDAP server.
  5. Specify values for the fields in the User Configuration section.