Setting advanced host properties

  1. Select the active host in the tree pane.
  2. Select the Advanced tab in the content pane to display a list of advanced properties for that host.
  3. Specify values for the properties as necessary. For information about host-specific properties, see the Advanced tab discussion for the host.
    You can condense the displayed list by selecting an item from the Filter Group drop-down list. To further filter the display, enter a case-insensitive string in the Filter String field. Note that for the Web UI you must press Enter after typing Filter String text.

You can also set properties using the SET command within an action; however, the SET value only affects the commands that follow the SET for that particular action.

Note that some host-level properties have associated system-level properties of the same name, for example, Email On Fail. See Advanced system options for more information. For these properties, if a specific value is not set at the host-level, the associated system-level setting is displayed and used.