Configure Cleo Trust

Before you can use Cleo Trust, you must enable it and specify some basic configuration values.
  1. If necessary, start the Cleo VLNavigator application.
  2. Go to Applications > Unify.
    Note: If the Unify option is not available, it could mean Cleo Trust is not correctly installed. Contact your system administrator.
  3. In the Settings tab, select the Application enabled check box.
  4. Specify values for the following fields:
    • Primary file repository and Maximum size – a local directory where files you upload to Cleo Trust will be stored. Maximum size is a limit on the size of the directory, not any one file. You must specify values for these fields.
    • Overflow file repository and Maximum size – a local directory where uploaded files that do not fit in the Primary file repository are stored. Maximum size is a limit on the size of the directory, not any one file. These fields are optional.
    • From email address for user notifications – the email address Cleo Trust will use to send notification email to users. You must specify a value for this field.
    • Permanently remove trash after n day(s) – the number of days after which Cleo Trust will permanently delete any files you delete from a Cleo Trust folder.
      When you delete a file from a Cleo Trust folder, it is not immediately removed from your system. It remains in the Primary file repository folder until the number of days you specify elapse. Specifying a large number of days could cause you to exceed the maximum size for your folder with no recourse except to wait for the number of days to elapse.
  5. Click the User Groups tab.
    The User Groups tab provides a list of user groups who have access the Cleo Trust application. See User Group Tab for information about user groups.
  6. Select the user groups that should have access to the application and deselect those user groups that should not have access.
  7. Click Apply.