Setting up a dial-up connection (Windows users only)

Note: In order to use dial-up connections, the Cleo LexiCom dialer program must be installed.
  1. If all of your active hosts will be dial-up, change the Default Connection Type to Dial-Up Connection - see Specifying default host directories.
  2. If all of your dial-up hosts will be using the same phonebook entry, set the Default Phonebook Entry. See Specifying default host directories .
  3. If only a portion of your active hosts will be dial-up or different phonebook entries will be used for your different dial-up hosts, then one-by-one for each dial-up host:
    1. Select the dial-up host in the tree pane.
    2. Select the General tab in the content pane panel.
    3. Change the Connection Type to Dial-Up Connection if the System Default is Direct Internet Access or VPN.
    4. Enter the Phonebook Entry if the System Default is not the desired entry.  Click Select to have the VersaLex application display a selection list.
  4. Select the desired phonebook entry and click OK.
  5. If an appropriate phonebook entry does not exist, it must be added outside of the VersaLex application using the dial-up networking options within Windows. For information on how to configure phonebooks and phonebook entries, etc., contact your ISP or see
  6. Click Apply.