can schedule actions to run automatically on a weekly schedule. You can set up multiple
day and time ranges.
In the Schedule for dialog box, select the
Weekly radio button.
Select a time zone.
The times you select for this schedule are relative to this time zone. The
time zone you select is displayed in the Scheduler
dialog box in the Scheduled column.
Select one or more days of the week within the Day(s) of
Week section.
Specify one or more start times (24-hour clock). A start time of
00:00 indicates 12:00 midnight; a start time of
17:00 indicates 5:00 PM.
Optional: For each start time, specify a recurrence. A recurrence can be
scheduled either continuously, by selecting the Recurring
continuously check box, or at an interval, by selecting the
Recurring every check box and specifying the interval
in hours, minutes, and seconds. Finally, choose when the recurrence should stop
by selecting a time from the Until menu. An end time of
24:00 indicates the end of the day.
If a different time schedule is required on different days (for example,
weekdays and weekends), click New Day(s) and repeat the
steps above.
When you configure multiple days, you can scroll through them using the arrow
buttons in the upper left of the dialog box.
You can click Remove Day(s) to delete the schedule for
the days currently displayed.
Click OK.
Your new schedule is saved and the schedule table is displayed, including your
new schedule information.