When a trusted CA certificate has been updated by a trading partner, you can replace
it in the certificate store while retaining the original file name so the partner’s
certificate defined in your host configurations does not need to be updated.
In the web UI, go to . In the native UI, go to or click the Certificates button in the tool
In the tree pane, right-click the intermediate CA certificate or root CA
certificate that you wish to replace and select .
Enter or Browse to the path of the new partner certificate
that will be replacing the existing certificate and click
Note: The extension of the new file must match the extension of the original file and
the certificates must be of the same type. For example, you should not attempt to
overwrite the contents of a .p7b file with the contents of a
.cer file.
A dialog appears showing the content of the new and original certificates and
asking for confirmation of the certificate replacement. By default, the original
certificate file will be archived in the certs\archive directory and the archived
file name will be appended with the current date/time stamp. If you do not want to
archive the certificate, clear the Archive original file before replacing
it with the new content check box.
Click OK.