Enabling mixed mode authentication for Cleo Portal

You can allow Cleo Portal users to log in using SAML or local credentials.

Mixed mode authentication is enabled when both SAML and local logins are enabled. When mixed mode authentication is enabled, the Cleo Portal log in page displays a check box labeled Use Company Login, which allows the user to choose the SAML login.

When the user chooses to use SAML login, the Username and Password fields disappear and when the user clicks Log in, the SAML log in page is displayed.

When the user chooses not to use the company login, Username and Password fields are displayed, allowing the user to enter local login credentials.

  1. Go to Administration > Users > SAML.
  2. Select the Enable SAML login for Cleo Portal users check box and the Allow local login for Cleo Portal users check box.
    See SAML service provider reference for more information about these parameters.
  3. Click Save.
Cleo Portal users will be able to log in using either their company login (SAML) or their local credentials.