Embedding web portal base pages into external web pages

It is possible to link directly to a web portal base page (Manual File Transfer or File Transfer History) from your own web pages. In order to access a base page in this manner, it is first necessary to log in, as discussed in Providing access to the web portal. The URL you provide will contain parameters to direct the display of the desired page(s).

Transfer Reporting page URL

The Transfer Reporting page is provided.
http(s)://VersaLexComputerIP:http(s)Port/VLPortalResourcePath?reportName= FileTransferHistory&external=true

Ad Hoc File Transfers

The Ad Hoc File Transfers page is provided.

http(s)://VersaLexComputerIP:http(s)Port/ VLPortalResourcePath?reportName= ManualFileTransfer&external=true

Transfer Reporting and Ad Hoc File Transfers

The Transfer Reporting and Ad Hoc File Transfers pages are provided, in the order specified, through a tabbed pane within a single page.

http(s)://VersaLexComputerIP:http(s)Port/  VLPortalResourcePath ?reportName= FileTransferHistory, ManualFileTransfer&external=true
Note: You should not provide multiple links to the base pages within the same web browser session. If you want to display multiple base pages, you should request all pages within one URL, using a comma-separated list as shown above.