Adding support for a new language to the base pages
To add support for a new language to the base pages:
Create a resource file for each language that you want to support. Use the file as a template for the desired
language. For example, if you want to add web portal Spanish language support
(that has the ISO-639-1 language code of ‘es’), you would copy the file (from the
webserver\VLPortal\internationalization directory) to
Open this newly created properties file in a text editor and translate all the
text after the ‘=’ character into the desired language for each property
provided in this file. In our example, we are translating to Spanish. Do not add
a space after the ‘=’ character.
The original English translation:
The same properties translated to Spanish:
Note: Any lines preceded by one or more ‘#’ characters is a comment and is
ignored by the VersaLex application. These lines are not required to be
Import the translated resource file(s) into the VersaLex application using the Import…
button in the Maintaining the VLPortal web page catalog dialog.
Note: Do not copy the resource file(s) directly into the
directory. In order for the resource file(s) to be properly registered in
the VersaLex application, they must be imported. This applies to
newly created resource files or modified resource file. In all cases, the
files must be imported rather than directly copied.
For each web page listed in the VLPortal Web Page Catalog, add an entry for
the newly configured language. Right-click each web page entry and select
If a prompt appears showing the associated web portals and asking if
you are sure you want to edit it, select
From the Language drop-down selector in the upper-right corner,
choose the newly imported language.
Add the page title content in the appropriate language and click
Note: At a minimum, the above steps should be performed for the four
baseline standard web pages (that is, VersaLex Web Portal, Manual File Transfer, File Transfer
History, and Web Portal Help). If any of these pages are
missing a particular language variant, an asterisk (*) is displayed next
to the language in theWeb Portals table in the
VLPortal tab.
See Configuring VLPortal Web Browser service.
Additionally, web portal users selecting this language will not be able to view
the missing language variants. Further, if all the pages are missing, users will
not be able to log into the web portal. When missing pages are encountered, a
warning message is logged to the VersaLex console each time the web portal user logs in.
If it is necessary to remove a page for a specific language variant and it is
not the only language configured for that page:
Edit the desired page.
Select the language variant from the list.
Clear the Title text and click OK.
You are prompted to be sure you want to proceed.
Click Yes to complete the process.