At a minimum, the only Header required is the
SOAPAction: "ebXML" header. Content-Type: is
optional and can be specified at the mailbox and/or action level.Note: Entering a value
for the Content-Type header is optional. If
Content-Type is not specified or if multiple payloads are
attached in the message, the Content-Type is detected based
first on file content and then the file extension. Detectable types include
application/edifact, application/edi-x12,
application/edi-tradacoms, application/xml
(text/xml), application/pdf,
application/msword, application/x-msexcel,
application/rtf, application/zip,
image/bmp, image/gif,
image/tiff, image/jpeg,
text/plain, text/html, and
These header fields are filled in at the
Mailbox and/or Action level and specify the values set in the HTTP headers that
precede the body of the message sent.