ebXML Host: CPA Tab

Identifies the Collaboration-Protocol Agreement (CPS) between you and your trading partner. VersaLex does not actually implement the CPP/CPA portion of the ebXML specification, but a unique CPA Id must still be agreed upon between trading partners. The CPA Id can be a concatenation of the From and To Party Ids, a URI prefixed with the Internet domain name of one of the parties, a namespace offered and managed by some other naming or registry service, or some other mutually agreed to naming convention.
To Party Id(s)
Your trading partner's identifiers. One or more party ids can be listed (URI, email address, DUNS number, etc.) If the type attribute is not given in a party id, the value must be a URI.
My Party Id(s)
Your identifiers. If you need to override the default values from the Local Listener (because this trading partner requires different settings), select Override Local Listener\ebMS CPA check box and supply alternate values.