OFTP Mailbox: V2 Tab

The following settings pertain only to OFTP2 sessions or later.

Cipher Suite
Used for encryption, signing, and generating hash values.
Require Authentication
Select to require session authentication with your trading partner.  Clearing this option can still result in session authentication if your trading partner requires it. The certificates used for session authentication are specified on the Session sub-tab of the Mailbox Security tab. 
Encrypted Content
Select to encrypt outgoing files. Certificates used for encryption are specified on the Mailbox Certificates tab.
Signed Content
Select to sign outgoing files. Certificates used for signing are specified on the Mailbox Certificates tab.
Signed Receipt (EERPs/NERPs)
Select to sign outgoing EERPs and NERPs. Certificates used to sign EERPs/NERPs are specified on the EERP sub-tab of the Mailbox Security tab.
CMS Compression
Select to compress the file using CMS compression before sending. This is generally more effective than the legacy buffer compression used prior to OFTP2.
Inbound Message Security
Force Encryption
Select to only accept encrypted files from your trading partner that can be decrypted using a specified certificate.
Force Signed Content
Select to only accept signed files from your trading partner.