Static tables

The static tables contain data that does not change. This data is used in conjunction with other table to present data to the user.

VLStatus database table

This table contains different statuses found in the Status column of the VLTransfers table and whether the status is considered a success or failure.

Column/Field Name Data Type Length Source
Status VARCHAR 15 Status string

This status matches a status in VLTransfers.Status

IsSuccess BIT   True if this status is considered a Success
IsFailure BIT   True if this status is considered a Failure

VLTransport database table

This table contains different transport strings found in the Transport column of the VLTransfers table on whether the transport is considered a Transfer or a CheckPoint.

Column/Field Name Data Type Length Source
Transport VARCHAR 12 Transport string

This string matches a transport status in VLTransfers.Transport.

DisplayName VARCHAR 25 The string displayed to the user for this Transport.
IsTransfer BIT   True if this transport is considered a Transfer.
IsCheckPoint BIT   True if this transport is considered a CheckPoint.